Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I got asked for my id while buying an R16 movie today, I repeat R16 movie (I'm 20 years young). After the handing the guy my drivers license he took not one, but two astonished looks at it, I can only assume that he was looking at my date of birth. I understand that you should ask for a persons id if they look under 25 but do I really look 16 or younger? I have facial hair and everything.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Since I have nothing more interesting to talk about, here's what I had for dinner the other night

Scotch Fillet, medium rare, courtesy of The Angus Steak House. I have to say these guys know how to cook a godly steak, even though I almost went blind trying to finish it.
Scotch Fillet, medium rare, courtesy of The Angus Steak House. I have to say these guys know how to cook a godly steak, even though I almost went blind trying to finish it.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Been a minute.....
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Dead ass Blog
So the blog is basically dead ...I'm so confused.. I don't know what I.. nah hahahahahahaha
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
《一頁台北》Au Revoir Taipei
This movie is gonna rock my world.. Imma watch it 100 times when my sister's friend ship it to me from taiwan.
It's not a hardcore dramatic movie or w.e, it's meant to be an artistic movie which shows the taipei culture and the way of life in taipei city..
I s2 and miss taipei T_T
郭采潔 is so cute ^^
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Life is short, human beings are fragile, we need to appreciate everything we have. All our loved ones, all our friends.
Me you Laurence, we used to spend endless hours together, staying over at each others houses. Talking till we fell asleep, not knowing how the next morning. We would wait for your parents to fall asleep and then get up to play Big 2, but we always make too much noise and get told off by your mum. We would always talk about the girls we liked, talk about basketball, beyblades haha.
Now knowing that you're gone, although we never hang out anymore, it just feels so lonely knowing that we could never do all those things again. I'm sure Laurence feels the same. A part of us has broken off with you leaving us.
Life is short, thanks for all the good times and the happiness you have given me in the past.
R.I.P my dear friend.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Korean night
Just finished watching couple or trouble (korean drama) with some friends. Drank some korean rice wine and had korean for dinner. Happy ending and everything, but for some reason i feel empty.
Life is never going to be as perfect and beautiful as they make it seem in movies and TV.
I wish i could turn back time and have a choice to grow up in japan, korea or even taiwan. What would i be like now? would i still be me?
If i was to die in 3months, would there be someone other than my family who would look after me in my death bed?
anyways, I'm tired, night.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Just watched inception with the boys.. pretty interesting movie.. gets you thinking.. i hella liked it, but not as much as i liked Koizora... hehe
Anyways, had a great day today. Chilled with friends till 3am, who needs alcohol right?
I just realised that I'm always hoping to have a great story in my life like what i see in the movies, all the excitement, love. But when i go through my past experiences, i've actually had quite a colourful life already and the main reason why i want all those things from the movies is because everything just seems so much more beautiful in film.
Maybe one day when i finally feel like i've achieved my goals in life, have a family etc, I'll write a book about it too..
Man my recent blogs lack deep thought and content.. I'll try get some more deeper thoughts going and write something better in the future.. So keep reading ^^
It's late.. Imma relax a bit and then go sleep.
Friday, July 23, 2010

“Koizora” is a love story that was originally published on the popular cell phone site Mahou no iRando. It was authored by new writer Mika, and is based on her own experiences. The story was released in book form last October, selling more than a million copies in its first month. The story revolves around Mika (named after the author), who falls in love with her classmate, Hiroki, upon entering high school. But over the course of the novel, she ends up suffering through many trials, such as rape, abortion, and betrayal.
.. Dling this movie.. and just by reading the description and looking at the poster makes me feel empty..
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My boss my hero
Just finished this japanese drama in 2 days -__-.. 10 episodes.. 4 am and still cant sleep.. have not corrected my jet lag..
anyways.. my boss my hero is probably the best J drama I have seen for years.. I haven't really watched that many though..
It's about this guy who's suppose to carry on the Yakuza line, but he's really dumb so he acts as a 17yr old kid and goes back to what is equivalent of 7th form in highschool.
Its funny, heart touching and the main girl in the show is hella cute Yui Aragaki!!
Thats a taste of her. :D
If you are interested in this show.. and have some time you can spend on watching it.. I highly recommend it ^^
Your journey begins here...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The strength of moving forward
Lately, life has been giving me a lot of down time. I wish I could thank the person who gave me the power to push forward, let me see light when I was in what felt like a never ending hole and helped me up when it seemed like I could no longer stand and my legs have collapsed on me.
However this person will most likely never be able to receive my thank yous, sometimes when I think about this, I feel empty. But it also gives me the thought, of pushing myself beyond my limits, making myself a better person, physically, mentally, emotionally and intellectually. So it may one day be possible for me to gain an opportunity to thank this person.
Anyways.. Pictures!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I'm back!
Well, I've actually been back for a while now, what I'm trying to say I guess is that I'm gonna start blogging more again? I hope.
Well anyways, for the ones who didn't know, my adventure back to Taiwan had the main focus of learning more techniques in BBoying and improving myself as a dancer. Going there made me realise how much I still had to learn if I ever wanted to get to that international level. How much harder I'll have to train, but I'll get there someday :)
I also battled at Beatstreet 2010 yesterday, it was heaps of fun as I haven't battled for ages and have been craving to battle ever since I watched BOTY TAIWAN 2010 hehe.
In Taiwan, the land of salted crispy chicken pieces, pearl milk tea and mean as "tai mei". I guess I haven't had a holiday like this for ages. Loved just buying a drink, some snacks and sitting on a curb at an area where all the uni students hang out and watch masses of hot girls walk past.
I actually took plenty of pictures in during the earlier days of my journey, but I kinda cbf uploading them right now -_- so I'll do that in some later postings of this blog :)
Also.. big thanks to everyone who prayed for my mothers operation, I love you all.. This whole incidence has had a huge affect on the way I perceive things in this world.. and has made me appreciate things a lot more.
Oh yea.. and I discovered the love of my life when I was back
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Arrested Development and 12 Year Olds Wailing On Each Other
Skipped blogging another few days lol, I'm not really keeping my plan of blogging more hahaha. As the title suggests I've been getting into the second season of Arrested Development, you definitely should watch the series if you haven't already, it's one of the most funniest shows I've seen.
Also I went with the parentals tonight to watch The Karate Kid, because I'm uncool and that's the only way I get to go out these days, but I did get Burger Fuel and a movie courtesy of my parents so who am I to complain? Being a fan of the original Karate Kid movies I didn't have high expectations going in, but I have to admit it was better than I expected it to be, still, it doesn't hold a candle compared to the original in my opinion. There was a lot of 12 year olds wailing on each other, Jackie Chan even getting in on the action at some point.
I can't say that Jaden Smith's acting was bad, but it seemed like he was trying to act like his dad back when he did the Fresh Prince at some parts and it just didn't work, he just came off awkward and like he was trying too hard, watching him dance was a painful experience. All that aside it was still pretty good the fight sequences were pretty badass, especially when Jaden Smith pulls out a hurricanrana on some sucka.
My favourite character was definitely John "Cobra Kai" Kreese's Chinese counter part, Master Li, who obviously mustve done his research because they were pretty much the same character, which I found awesome.

Also I went with the parentals tonight to watch The Karate Kid, because I'm uncool and that's the only way I get to go out these days, but I did get Burger Fuel and a movie courtesy of my parents so who am I to complain? Being a fan of the original Karate Kid movies I didn't have high expectations going in, but I have to admit it was better than I expected it to be, still, it doesn't hold a candle compared to the original in my opinion. There was a lot of 12 year olds wailing on each other, Jackie Chan even getting in on the action at some point.
I can't say that Jaden Smith's acting was bad, but it seemed like he was trying to act like his dad back when he did the Fresh Prince at some parts and it just didn't work, he just came off awkward and like he was trying too hard, watching him dance was a painful experience. All that aside it was still pretty good the fight sequences were pretty badass, especially when Jaden Smith pulls out a hurricanrana on some sucka.
My favourite character was definitely John "Cobra Kai" Kreese's Chinese counter part, Master Li, who obviously mustve done his research because they were pretty much the same character, which I found awesome.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
So, my brief stint in hell also known as exam time came to a close on the 28th. That would explain the extended period of silence from me on the blog front. The other guys apart from JS are pretty much useless so I can't attribute their lack of blogging to exams, they're just deadbeats hahaha.
Anyway, not to much planned for the inter semester break, I might look into getting my full license, it's about time I did, been putting it off for a number of years now, gonna go check out the movie "Summer Wars" playing as part of The New Zealand International Film Festival this year. Possibly a cooking session with the boys and a whole lot more blogging, but other than that, yeah...
Been relaxing it up pretty hard these past 2 days, even been taking naps, Dozed off watching Seinfeld this afternoon. Pretty annoyed that I missed most of the show, but woke up refreshed.
Really looking forward to watching this.
Edit: Just looked at the archive, we went from 38 posts in May to only 9 in June, wow we really fell off hahaha.
Anyway, not to much planned for the inter semester break, I might look into getting my full license, it's about time I did, been putting it off for a number of years now, gonna go check out the movie "Summer Wars" playing as part of The New Zealand International Film Festival this year. Possibly a cooking session with the boys and a whole lot more blogging, but other than that, yeah...
Been relaxing it up pretty hard these past 2 days, even been taking naps, Dozed off watching Seinfeld this afternoon. Pretty annoyed that I missed most of the show, but woke up refreshed.
Really looking forward to watching this.
Edit: Just looked at the archive, we went from 38 posts in May to only 9 in June, wow we really fell off hahaha.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Corter Leather Belts, Denim Update
After arriving home from a hard day of exam study at uni, I received a very nice surprise in the form of a package waiting for me on my bed. Inside were a couple of leather belts I ordered from Corter Leather for me and bro Johnny who is currently chillin in his homeland (Taiwan).
Since i'm blogging I may as well do a long overdue update on the bsp's, been wearing them for about 2 and a half weeks now, this is how they fit post soak the waist didn't shrink as much as i'd hoped also they're not as slim as I would've liked, a size lower would've been ideal, but i'm adjusting.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 1 ~3 in Taiwan
Yeee boy, eating massive amounts of cheap food :D. Took quite alot of photos but unable to upload yet coz my sister has the cable for the camera and she hasnt arrived yet.
Spend last night at grandparents place.. that place is alot more OG then i thought it was. Felt like i was living back in the 1800s -___- Kinda shat my pants at night :(.
Anyways gonna attend my first class at HRC dance academy tonight !! I'm super excited to the max (not making sense due to over excitement)
Spend last night at grandparents place.. that place is alot more OG then i thought it was. Felt like i was living back in the 1800s -___- Kinda shat my pants at night :(.
Anyways gonna attend my first class at HRC dance academy tonight !! I'm super excited to the max (not making sense due to over excitement)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
In Taiwan!! Havn't been on a flight for so long, was kinda scared, but everything turned out really smooth..
I realised how much I missed watching movies on planes, eating plane food etc.
Haha, how to train a dragon is a cool movie :)
4 hours difference so it's like 5 am right now and I've had no sleep, surprisingly I'm not sleepy at all.. coz its so hot here T_T had heaps of things on my mind when on the plane.. sighh :( o well... Missing everyone in NZ already..
I realised how much I missed watching movies on planes, eating plane food etc.
Haha, how to train a dragon is a cool movie :)
4 hours difference so it's like 5 am right now and I've had no sleep, surprisingly I'm not sleepy at all.. coz its so hot here T_T had heaps of things on my mind when on the plane.. sighh :( o well... Missing everyone in NZ already..
Monday, June 14, 2010
Finished exams, I feel like I finally got out of prison, however I am scarred from the mental abuse I was receiving when I was there.
In 12 hours time I shall be on a flight back to Taiwan.
Hope everyone has a great holiday ^^, I'll try and keep everyone posted :D
Everyones gonna be 1 month older than I last saw them. I'm missing everyone already..
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Not gonna lie
- I can't sleep, the thought having one exam after another is driving me crazy
- I like romance movies
- If I don't like you I psychically bitch to all my friends right in front of you
- I think I am really weird in a funny way, but a lot of the times I'm probably just weird
- I like to observe and find the bad things about people
- I believe in fairytale love stories
- I want to live in New York one day
- I think of my problems as great issues when in reality they are nothing compared to many others on this planet
- I like to think deep about why I'm such a deep thinker
- I try to be happy, but majority of the time, I'm just faking a smile (I have no idea why)
- I have random hypes which I get over quickly
- Although I always bitch about my parents, they are actually really good parents
- I take all my friends for granted
- At times, I feel lonely at night
- I mumble when I talk to females
Not gonna lie.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Been studying the exams to the max, havn't been doing anything else, not even practicing bboying or anything. gg. Anyways can't wait till I go back to Taiwan and take heaps of pictures and talk about heaps of shit I do there ( I hope theres heaps of shit to talk about).
gonna be attending workshops here (http://www.hrc.idv.tw/) as much as I can.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Hey guys I'm Tony, I like GYAMZ.
It's this time of the semester again, examz time. Also the time where I cbf and feel like playing gyamz at home instead of going to uni or studying.
What gyam would I be playing rather than studying? HONSH! I know I have already fail a paper just to play this gyam late every night.
Heroes of Newerth, if you haven't heard of this, then you probably heard of DotA! Honsh is basically a gyam that is based on DotA. A game with a diverse selection of Heroes. These heroes are your character that you control, each possessing their own unique skills to contribute to the team. A game consists of 10 players, 5 to each team.
The objective of this game, is to push fight your way into your enemy base and destroy their main base.
At the moment as I'm typing this blog + trying to study COMPSCI 345 and listening to HoN cast
So I'll just stfu here.
It's this time of the semester again, examz time. Also the time where I cbf and feel like playing gyamz at home instead of going to uni or studying.
What gyam would I be playing rather than studying? HONSH! I know I have already fail a paper just to play this gyam late every night.
Heroes of Newerth, if you haven't heard of this, then you probably heard of DotA! Honsh is basically a gyam that is based on DotA. A game with a diverse selection of Heroes. These heroes are your character that you control, each possessing their own unique skills to contribute to the team. A game consists of 10 players, 5 to each team.
The objective of this game, is to push fight your way into your enemy base and destroy their main base.
At the moment as I'm typing this blog + trying to study COMPSCI 345 and listening to HoN cast
So I'll just stfu here.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Today I went and got some coffee from a place where I don't usually go by myself. This feeling of doing something for the first time, it made me feel lonely. Some may argue that it's the feeling of independence, but I dunno..
Don't know if I'm just emo nowadays or stressed by exams.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Best Morning Ever
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I don't particularly feel like a proud person, I'm not particularly proud of myself when I make achievements. However I still feel the need of people to be proud of being a part of my life, proud of knowing me.
I feel that these days, people are always constantly trying to achieve things to make others look up to them, make them "proud". Do I really have to prove myself for people to appreciate me for who I am? do I really need to do stand out just so people can use me as a way to show off? Do I have to be important for me to have made a difference in peoples lives?
Why can't people just accept each of the people in their lives who work hard doing something they enjoy and be proud of them?
Sometimes, I feel I try so hard, and all I get is the repetition of how great someone else is being rubbed in my face. Just because that person is more talented then me, or he started this interest of before I did, doesn't mean I can't be good at what I'm doing.
Maybe, I'll never become as good as these other individuals, but why do you make it seem like it's always a dog fight, and I am your dog who loses every fight, even though he's working his hardest, even though he's carrying all the battle scars and he's still fighting, you never see how great he is and how hard he's trying.
Like a father watching his child
Just had our concert. Everything turned out pretty good.
I had a friend telling me that he was really excited to see our performance 5 min prior to when we started. I said to him not to have such high expectations because I was afraid of letting him down, and he responded by "there's no way you could let me down, it's like a father watching his child perform". These words touched me at heart (yes you know who you are). It has made me realise, that your true friend's won't judge you by your talent, ability, effort. True friend's will accept and appreciate you for who you are. Just like a father to his child.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Reading, Something I feel I should be doing more of, I can only benefit from reading more. I always feel reluctant to pick up a book, because I take a while to get into what i'm reading so for the first few pages i'm basically forcing myself to keep on going , and more often then not i'll give up and go watch t.v. or something hahaha. But when i do get over this initial hump I genuinely start enjoying myself and I find it difficult to stop, this always catches me by surprise i'm continually amazed by the way reading can spark ones imagination, provoke thought and expand your vocabulary
Here is the list of books i've since about the beginning of last year, they're all either best sellers or have movies made, so pretty well known books.
The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller
Given to me by a friend (Katrina), it's a relatively short read, which is why she thought i'd like it haha, an engaging book i probably read like half of it on the train ride home that day, about an intense love affair, that leaves you strangely haunted at the end.
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
The Twilight series
Something of a guilty pleasure I know, I was working at the cinema when the first movie was released and before that i'd never heard of Twilight, the movie was so insanely popular so I decided to see what the hype was all about. Knowing the book is always better than the movie I thought I should read the book. I must admit that I quite liked reading Twilight, even though the story is nothing original I still enjoyed the teenage love story with vampires. Then I gave the rest of the series a crack, they all kind of pail in comparison to the first book, not a whole lot happens, reading them was kind of a tedious process. But I might as well have finished what I started.
Go read a book
Here is the list of books i've since about the beginning of last year, they're all either best sellers or have movies made, so pretty well known books.
The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller
Given to me by a friend (Katrina), it's a relatively short read, which is why she thought i'd like it haha, an engaging book i probably read like half of it on the train ride home that day, about an intense love affair, that leaves you strangely haunted at the end.
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
The Twilight series
Something of a guilty pleasure I know, I was working at the cinema when the first movie was released and before that i'd never heard of Twilight, the movie was so insanely popular so I decided to see what the hype was all about. Knowing the book is always better than the movie I thought I should read the book. I must admit that I quite liked reading Twilight, even though the story is nothing original I still enjoyed the teenage love story with vampires. Then I gave the rest of the series a crack, they all kind of pail in comparison to the first book, not a whole lot happens, reading them was kind of a tedious process. But I might as well have finished what I started.
Go read a book
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I just noticed we got our first follower.
Shout out to Ali http://anotherpocketofthoughts.blogspot.com,
and we now can be found on google search.
Have been busy with uni and i'll admit being lazy as well, i'll write some decent blogs later, for the mean time listen to this song:
Shout out to Ali http://anotherpocketofthoughts.blogspot.com,
and we now can be found on google search.
Have been busy with uni and i'll admit being lazy as well, i'll write some decent blogs later, for the mean time listen to this song:
The home-made sandwich you get for lunch
Do you guys recall the days of primary school, where your mum would prepare you a sandwich for lunch and for some reason everyone else's sanddwiches looked better and tasted better? I do.
This morning when I got up for a shower at 6:30 in the morning, I came back into my room to find myself with a mum made sandwich on my computer desk. I don't think i have ever been so greatful for a sandwich in my life, as I am sick of eating uni food, fast food and instant noodles. This sandwich reminded me of the times where life was care-free, everything was so easy, I wish I was a little boy again.
I have yet to taste my sandwich, I am kinda excited in a way, now that I am older it feels like this sandwich looks better and will taste better than everyone else's lunches.
Everyone's so busy to blog nowadays due to exam or "cbfness", I'll try to update this as often as I can :)
This morning when I got up for a shower at 6:30 in the morning, I came back into my room to find myself with a mum made sandwich on my computer desk. I don't think i have ever been so greatful for a sandwich in my life, as I am sick of eating uni food, fast food and instant noodles. This sandwich reminded me of the times where life was care-free, everything was so easy, I wish I was a little boy again.
I have yet to taste my sandwich, I am kinda excited in a way, now that I am older it feels like this sandwich looks better and will taste better than everyone else's lunches.
Everyone's so busy to blog nowadays due to exam or "cbfness", I'll try to update this as often as I can :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Just watched Limitless rip up at stomp. They were amazing, I swear I had tears developing at the end of the performance. Although I was not a part of the crew or group which performed, I felt that I was nervous with them when the winners were being announced. I have never felt so happy for other people in my life.
I am so proud of all you boys.
It is said that "Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades." I guess the same goes for happiness. People are hardly happy for themselves, but instead happy for others. I can't believe for a second I felt like I cbf going to stomp. It was hella worth it. Shame to all the people who missed out.
Reality and Dreams
Almost every one of us, thinks that one day if we wanted to, we can be successful. We all think we can have good lives, live the dream, be the best dancer, find the love of our lives, be happily ever after. And then comes reality.
Chances are that the majority of us will never achieve what we have dreamed in our lives. We won't be as wealthy as we imagined, probably won't become the best dancers ever and may live a struggling life. I don't mean to be negative and stop you from what you're doing. I mean it's great for a person to have hope, but at times you just need to understand that you need to be realistic and stop chasing goals out of your reach.
However with that said, I still admire the people who work so hard for what they love, although their goals are constantly being crushed and they know that what they want to achieve is near impossible, they still continue chasing the impossible. That kind of strength can only be developed from within their hearts. Unfortunately, only a small number of people who work hard their whole lives actually manage to achieve their goals. But for the people who have failed and worked hard, they still go away with new experiences and better understandings. They will be willing to accept what has happened, and construct goals in the future of their lives which will be possible and they will succeed in.
On the other hand, there are the people who do nothing their whole lives and still expect their dreams to come true. They expect to have it easy and I don't mean to insult anyone, I'm just voicing my opinion. The small minority of people who do get lucky, and reach their dreams with the least amount of effort possible, they are this planet's greatest disappointment to me. There are people out there working so much harder then you, to try and gain the same dream as you. However, you because of born status circumstances or a lucky series of events etc, gets to achieve your goal before the rest of them? do you really feel that you deserve it? don't you think that if you worked hard as well on an even battlefield against someone else, the sense of achievement you gain would be greater? Or do you just feel that you are better then everyone else in the world and you deserve it either way?
I guess what I'm trying to say is, even though we are all born in inequality. People being smarter, richer, more athletic then others. We shouldn't be judged for the talents and assets which we were born with. Instead we should be judged in the effort which we put into these dreams we have, the effort we make into being better people, the effort of trying to make a difference. Maybe one day people will see through the same eyes as me, and what I have concluded will become a reality, or maybe I am also dreaming.
Most of this probably didn't even make sense, I just had all these random thoughts after listening to these tunes lol. So I decided to write them down.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Been super busy :( buy hopskotch tickets off me
Hey guys, havn't written anything sensational and interesting for a while now. Life has been super busy for me, got the concert coming up, piled with assignments etc.
Anyways, except for being super busy, I feel that my quality in life (well-being) has increased lately. I seem to appreciate things more, be more happy and enjoy my days more. I think this is a result of my hard work at Uni this year finally paying off. Getting some decent grades, haven't really wagged many classes. For once in a long time, I'm actually proud of myself.
I wish I had realised this sense of achievement earlier in life. I look around at some friends of mine who are younger then me, but will be most likely graduating before I do. Depressing. Those years of WoW has got me nowhere in life, so if you're out there fiending some MMORPG. Time to quit bro, this is from experience.
Feeling like practising the flute again, parents always knew what's best for you, I never shoulda quit. Hopefully soon I can shape up and start playing duets with martin or something. As for girls, I wish I could know Science girl's name, or even better, I wish she knew my name haha.
Now over reading this, I realised that this post doesn't really have anything interesting to learn from, so I've failed my mission.
If this could happen to me and science girl hahahah
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wong Fu Productions, When Five Fell
Wong Fu Productions is an independent production company that produces, among other things, short films and music videos for indy artists. Although i've only been aware of them for a short time, i'm a huge fan of their work. A lot of their stuff I can relate to emotionally, (hmm i'm not too sure what I mean by this, but it seemed an appropriate thing to say), or through having similar experiences.
Check out their latest short film titled, When Five Fell. The concept behind the film is quite innovative, I think. Five different house hold items give their perspective of events as their owner falls in and out of 'love' with them. What you realize is that the objects are describing a relationship from how it is at the start to how it ends. While the film itself is minimalistic and slightly amateur, i'd imagine it was made on a very small budget, the cinematography more than makes up for this. It is shot very beautifully, from the shifting of focus and the camera angles, the golden look of most of the shots makes colours appear deeper and richer. The voice over work is also very good, the girls pretty cute too, just sayin.
Check out their Youtube channel:
Official Website:
I don't know how to post links, and i'm not going to figure it out now, Goodnight
Check out their latest short film titled, When Five Fell. The concept behind the film is quite innovative, I think. Five different house hold items give their perspective of events as their owner falls in and out of 'love' with them. What you realize is that the objects are describing a relationship from how it is at the start to how it ends. While the film itself is minimalistic and slightly amateur, i'd imagine it was made on a very small budget, the cinematography more than makes up for this. It is shot very beautifully, from the shifting of focus and the camera angles, the golden look of most of the shots makes colours appear deeper and richer. The voice over work is also very good, the girls pretty cute too, just sayin.
Check out their Youtube channel:
Official Website:
I don't know how to post links, and i'm not going to figure it out now, Goodnight
A variety of music
Just songs from different styles I've been listening to
Yea.. heaps of old songs.. but they mean as jams :) IMO anyway
Monday, May 17, 2010
Everyone thinks that a hero needs to be a person who makes a great impact on the world, saves lives, find a cure and gets girls. In reality, heroes like that don't exist anymore, instead theres a bit of a hero in all of us, whether we choose to exercise this part of us is up to the individual.
All we need is a person with influencial power to become a role model for something positive such as recycling or a behaviour of being nice to one another. For example Tom Cruise was able to make the religion of Scientology escalate in numbers, he put himself up as a role model and was able to make a change in what he believed was good, to himself and many others, he's a true hero.
Even a person with no influencial power can become a hero. People like you or me, all we have to do is stick to our believes, stay true, and eventually we will find others who have the same thoughts as we do about making changes in the world.
As an individual we may not be able to do much, but if we are able to be a role model and share our knowledge amongst others, eventually people will admire what you do and try to become a hero themselves.
We all wanted to be a hero at sometime of our lives, so why not make it this very moment, start making changes and we can all become heroes.
In the movie it is said "With no power, comes no responsibilities" this is proven incorrect, we as individuals are all responsible for this planet which we live in, for the actions we make and for the feelings we distributed to others.
All we need is a person with influencial power to become a role model for something positive such as recycling or a behaviour of being nice to one another. For example Tom Cruise was able to make the religion of Scientology escalate in numbers, he put himself up as a role model and was able to make a change in what he believed was good, to himself and many others, he's a true hero.
Even a person with no influencial power can become a hero. People like you or me, all we have to do is stick to our believes, stay true, and eventually we will find others who have the same thoughts as we do about making changes in the world.
As an individual we may not be able to do much, but if we are able to be a role model and share our knowledge amongst others, eventually people will admire what you do and try to become a hero themselves.
We all wanted to be a hero at sometime of our lives, so why not make it this very moment, start making changes and we can all become heroes.
In the movie it is said "With no power, comes no responsibilities" this is proven incorrect, we as individuals are all responsible for this planet which we live in, for the actions we make and for the feelings we distributed to others.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Requiem for a Dream
I've just finished watching this movie, I had been meaning to watch Requiem for a Dream for a while after hearing a friend mention it, I guess it was something about the name that kept it in my mind, anyway I finally got around to watching it and I have to say that i was deeply disturbed, I never thought a fridge could scare the shit out of me. The tone of the movie is very bleak and haunting, I have a feeling that it'll be stuck in my mind for a while. The score, combined with the camera work creates a sort of tension throughout the film that builds up to the point where something sudden happens that makes you soil yourself, not unlike what happens in thrillers/horror movies
The movie is about four people each of whom have separate stories which are told in parallel as they try to better their situations, it also shows what they're willing to do to make their dreams come true. Addiction is a major theme in the movie as all the characters start or end up addicted to drugs
causing some hallucination sequences which were the things that probably got to me the most, i.e. the fridge thing mentioned earlier. It contains a fair amount of nudity, sex and drug use, probably explains it's R18 rating.
Jared Leto, from 30 Seconds to Mars plays one of the main characters in this movie, he's a pretty multi-talented guy, with the music and acting, both of which i'm a fan of.
Definitely worth a watch if your looking for something different, but maybe a little too intense for my taste.
The movie is about four people each of whom have separate stories which are told in parallel as they try to better their situations, it also shows what they're willing to do to make their dreams come true. Addiction is a major theme in the movie as all the characters start or end up addicted to drugs
causing some hallucination sequences which were the things that probably got to me the most, i.e. the fridge thing mentioned earlier. It contains a fair amount of nudity, sex and drug use, probably explains it's R18 rating.
Jared Leto, from 30 Seconds to Mars plays one of the main characters in this movie, he's a pretty multi-talented guy, with the music and acting, both of which i'm a fan of.
Definitely worth a watch if your looking for something different, but maybe a little too intense for my taste.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Martin X Jaishan
Jaishan and I decided to head out to Dressmart today, Jaishan wanted to go to the Dickies store. Once we got there we hit the Converse store first where I tried on some chucks but decided against buying anything. After we headed to the Dickies store and as soon as we got inside the fire alarm went off, everyone was then evacuated, at which point we decided to run a muck with the camera. Here are a few shots from today's adventure.

When we first got outside of the building
Starting to get serious
I only realised there was someone in the truck as I was about to take the picture haha

New Haircut
AS Hoody, T-Shirt
Red Wing
Jordan III White Cement
I was pissed off at Martin for taking so long at the converse shop that I missed checking out the Dickie's store. So after waiting nearly an hour to hope it would reopen we finally gapped. We decided to head out to Manakau and check out the Dickie's store in Manakau. Before we left, I decided to jam some scratchies. Here's the result:
Started with $5 worth of scratchies
Only won $4, down $1 BOYS!
$4 More worth of scratchies


When we first got outside of the building

I only realised there was someone in the truck as I was about to take the picture haha

New Haircut
AS Hoody, T-Shirt
Red Wing

I was pissed off at Martin for taking so long at the converse shop that I missed checking out the Dickie's store. So after waiting nearly an hour to hope it would reopen we finally gapped. We decided to head out to Manakau and check out the Dickie's store in Manakau. Before we left, I decided to jam some scratchies. Here's the result:



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